Friday, April 24, 2009

My friend.

Everything has been going so well that I sometimes have to pinch myself to see if I am dreaming.  I am so content with my life right now.  I am married to my best friend and I have two beautiful children.  I have my share of bumps in the "road" but I really couldn't be happier.  I am thankful for the many connections that David and I have made through the years.  We have truly been blessed by the people that have come in and out of our life.  I am writing this blog because I am about to say goodbye to a very dear friend and her family in the coming weeks.  It is painful to leave friends you've made behind or be the friend left behind.  A huge part of our life is change, my husband, children and I have to be willing to accept change at a moments notice.  It isn't always easy to handle but, God has ALWAYS taken good care of us.  We always seem to find new friends and a new church that we fit right in with immediately.  God puts us where we need to be when we need to be there.  Last summer we thought long and hard about moving off base...we made a list of pros and cons and left if up to God to lead us where he wanted us.   I will be honest in saying I REALLY wanted off that base.  :)  However, one of the biggest cons we had was money!  It is not cheap to move and settle into a new home.  We were worried if we were making the right decision or not, simply because it costs a ton more to live off base.  Long story short we found a beautiful home and are living better financially off base then we did living on base.  Back to my original point.... God wanted us in this home and in this neighborhood.  He put a WONDERFUL woman in my path and we became fast friends.  Jill is one of the sweetest people I have ever met.  David's deployment came quickly after we moved in to our new home and we also found out we were expecting as we were moving in!!!  I was so freaked out I knew I would be all alone and the thought terrified me.  What was I going to would I manage with a baby and a pregnancy all at once.  God knew!!! He brought Jill into my life.  Jill listened when I needed to talk, she gave me my weekly shots, she comforted me when I was overwhelmed.  At my lowest moment (Trooper's departure to Texas)  she was there to simply be my friend.  I will be sad to see her move away but, I am sure God will use her to be a blessing to another person at her new home.  I am just thankful for the time God allowed me to have with my dear friend Jill.  

I hope to one day be able to touch some ones life in the positive way Jill has touched mine.